Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011
Started out today at the town of Hidalgo. Went on a tour of the Old Hidalgo Pumphouse. It used to be part of a steam driven irrigation system that transformed Hidalgo County into a year-round farming phenomenon. It is no longer used, as the irrigation is controlled electrically now. This area is also one of the World Birding Centers.
Then tried to find Progresso Lakes. It turns out they are private lakes surrounded by beautiful homes, many of them adobe. On the way we saw several workers picking various crops including Egyptian onions. Did see a Spotted Sandpiper and Bronze Cowbirds.
From there back to 281 and heading east to Rio Rico Bluffs. This is along the Rio Grande River. On the way down to the river, we checked in with the Border Patrol. The bluff was not very high and sort of a disappointment. There was a Mexican gentleman fishing across the way.
Back to 281 again and heading west, with a stop at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge. Watched the introductory video in the visitors' center, then hiked the Chacalaca Trail to a small lake. Very hot again 94 and windy, but the scattered showers never materialized.
Dinner with Dave and Joyce.
Checking out tomorrow and heading west, but not to Fort Davis as originally planned. There is a wildfire burning in that area. They have already lost 50 homes. We will research a bit before we leave to find what roads we should take to avoid the fire areas.

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