Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22

When John finished his a.m. walk, we drove to the group camping area and ate a picnic lunch under a shelter roof(our camp doesn't have one). Afterwards, we drove to the Trailhead of the Lost Mike Trail. John hiked it and was gone about 3 hours. Not many birds in the parking area, so I read, worked on my bird list and played solitaire on the computer.
We ate dinner in the Lodge again. Had decadent desserts afterward: John had Peach Cobbler with ice cream, and I had warm brownies with ice cream. Delicious, no calories at all. Ha!
Now we are sitting on a bench in the gift shop using our computers and charging them.
Tomorrow we'll pack up the tent, then John will hike another trail before heading for Las Cruces, New Mexico KOA by way of the Fort Davis and the scenic mountain drive.

More from New Mexico....

Elaine and John

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