April 12
We left Dublin at 6:45 a.m. today. A Carolina Chickadee was serenading us as we put our suitcases in the car. So another adventure begins....
Redbud trees are interspersed with trees just beginning leaf out, fushia beauty in the sunrise.
Saw the year's first Osprey as we crossed the bridge at Cincinnati into Kentucky at 8:43 a.m.
Dogwoods joined redbuds just south of Louisville.
Lunch in Nashville at Monell's in old German town: creamed peas, fresh fruit compote, coleslaw,
mashed potatoes, corn pudding, BBQ pork loin, fried chicken, meatloaf, chicken and dumplings,
green beans, field peas(looked like tiny kidney beans), biscuits, cornbread, peach preserves, and
strawberry shortcake. Oink! After lunch we drove the neighborhood to look at the old homes,
many of which are being renovated and made into businesses.
Set up the tent at the Nashville KOA. Tonight we are going to a show at their show barn,
Johnny Counterfit and Kenny Longbotham, singers, comedians, and musicians.
So far we have traveled about 538 miles. Sunshine all day.
you need to start taking picture of the food you are eating.